Stunning. It’s such a difficult concept to grasp hold of. I’m a completely spiritual person. Nothing I love more than being lost in the spirit of the kind world. The world where people realise their mistakes and everything is beautiful and kind and resolved. But in times of hardship, oh my life, that spiritual world is dark and hard and broken. I’m having what I hope is, a brief moment of this, here and now, for the last few days.

I went to a spiritualist circle once. Purely by accident. I had driven a friend to Motherwell so she could do a talk about her embroidery work with a WI. In the room next door a spiritualist circle was just about to start. She told me to go. Be in it. You’ll be surprised by what you can do. So I though, hell yeah, I’ll go. I’d been to a spiritualist church a number of times before and enjoyed the experience. Often getting talked to. But here’s the thing, I didn’t expect anything.

We mediated in our group of about 20 people, for about 30 mins. The person leading the circle told us at the beginning that they would go round the circle asking people to say what they heard and saw during the meditation.

I always believed that if a medium was talked to, it was by a different voice, like the voice of the deceased person getting their message across. So during meditation I kept on telling myself stories, ones that came thick and fast but being told in my own voice. The same voice that berates me when I’m in a hard spirit world.

It came to my turn and I thought, what the hell. In for a penny in for a pound, I’ll tell them the stories I made up in my head. They were clear as day. I had images. I had actions and I had words to describe and speak. I said them. And one guy in the group broke down in tears. I had described his situation in its entirety. I hadn’t missed a beat or got anything wrong. He was able to identify with my 5 minute verbalisation. I was shocked. I didn’t quite believe it. I came away from it and I never pursued it any further. I still remember some of the details with real clarity. Others disappeared. As I type this I can feel the swollen stomach and the rocking arms. It’s weird!

Am I a medium? Am I able to talk to the dead? I honestly don’t know or think so. But I do believe that energy radiates out of people in every way and when you take time to meditate and stop, the physical energy in the room changes and maybe, just maybe, people give off their radio waves in a very different way that get absorbed by different people on different frequencies.

I still believe in a spiritual world. A world where things are much calmer and kinder. Can we talk to it, can we connect to it. I’d like to think with the former, we can in some way, as the DNA of these people still lives on through the generations to come. X

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That's such a fascinating story, so, so interesting. Really makes me want to go to a spiritual church too. I am such a spiritual person and also believe that energy radiates out of people (something that you can also notice when you get a gut feeling about someone, good or bad) and I don't like to think of people taking advantage of something so beautiful and lovely.

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Magical article x

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Yes, you're right: she is with you, just as she is with me. And just as I am so proud of you, so is she... I remember her saying after that day in hospital when everyone came to see her: There are two types of people in the world. Those who give you energy, and those vampires who take it away. And you'll know which is which by looking at how you feel after you've been with them. "And it's only now I've discovered this", she said to me, "now I'm fucking dying... I hope at least I've managed to communicate that to the children". Well, she obviously did. Your judgement of that guy is spot on, I think. Thank you, as ever, for a beautiful piece...xxxxx

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