A strange word to use perhaps, but this was lovely. Really resonated. Am so hoping for the safe, nonchalant return of your gorgeous cat, oblivious to the worry he's caused ❤️

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Sending love and prayers to universe Big Love find the way home 🫶🏻🖤

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I love this, although I hate that you had to write it. Lots of love. xxxx

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I love this post so much! It helped me rise out of darkness.

You write more powerfully, Katie, than perhaps you know...


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Yes, turns out you had a lot to say. I watched your essay grow and gain momentum as I read. During this past year, I made a commitment to write a letter to a person in prison every day. I can't tell you how many times I sat down to write and felt like I had nothing to say and that the letter would be brief and perfunctory. Well, once I got started on the letter I often ended up writing several pages, much to my surprise. Since you are a writer I guess you know that once you start writing it primes the pump and the words flow. Our minds never stop and when we sit down to write out our thought there is ample material if we only slow down and listen to ourselves.

Sorry that your cat is missing and I hope you find him/her. I am currently caring for an elderly dog that is slipping into dementia and it is not easy. He wanders around the house for hours, getting lost in corners and odd spots where he whines until I rescue him by turning him around to continue his pacing. It's time to bring his life to a loving end - not an easy thing to do. I give him back and neck massages, stroke him, peak loving words to him in a gentle voice. Animals have a lot to teach us, one thing being to be in the moment, so when I minister to him I believe that in that moment he is having a good life.

Life can be very sad and hard but it can also be sublime. I'm sure that this isn't news to you. Realizing that everyone has ups and downs is valuable knowledge and as more of us see this I believe we can bring more understanding and compassion into this life.

While I cannot afford to pay for your newsletter, I hope that other readers can because it is a gem of great value and I am grateful for your writing.

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